
Mainstreaming gender sensitive housing: A Case Study of the Frauen-Werk-Stadt model project (Abstract)

Christine Booth and Rose Gilroy
Open House International 2000
Volume 25, no. 4, pages 45 – 53

This paper examines the Frauen-Werk-Stadt Model Project, a 350 unit social housing project in a residential district of the city of Vienna, Austria. The paper draws on the findings of an EU funded research project undertaken by the Centre for Regional, Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University. The Frauen-Werk-Stadt model project draws on a history of both model projects by and for women in Vienna, over the last century. The paper traces the social and political context, which provided the necessary pre-conditions for development; the catalysts, opportunities and obstacles encountered in development; the “gender mainstreaming” methods used to secure its implementation and finally, the outcomes of this ambitious project.

Key words: Gender, Housing, planning, Everyday life, Mainstreaming